Welcome to St Francis' Parish!


To celebrate our patronal feast of St Francis along with our cultural diversity, the members of Flame Youth Group will be leading an International Mass on Saturday 5th October at 6pm. This will be followed by a party with food and music in the hall of the URC, slightly further down Week Street.

EVERYONE IS INVITED and encouraged to bring a taste of their national food and if desired, to wear national dress. If you can help with the food at all, please put your first name only on the list in the porch or see Geraldine or one of the Flame members or clergy after Mass.

It promises to be a great parish event, so please support our young people.

Day of Prayer, Fasting & Penance for Reconciliation & Peace in the Holy Land

Monday 7th October
7.00 – 8.00pm

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary and Benediction

Read the letter from the Latin Patriarch and Prayer for Peace here!


Welcome to our Website
New to the Parish?

If you are new to the Parish please complete the online Parishioner Registration form by clicking the button below.

Not a Catholic?

Like to find out more about what it means to be a Catholic? We offer an informal programme which tells you about the Church and may help you to decide if becoming a Catholic is for you.

Latest News


An opportunity to be part of our parish lottery.  Apply by scanning the QR code with your phone or click the button below. Application forms are also available from the church porch. 

Collections will start from 6th July to the 21st July for Saturday evening and Sunday after the 8.30am Mass until the beginning of the 11.30 Mass.

 Good luck everyone!

Mass Times

10am & 6pm (Vigil Mass)
8.30am, 10am, 11.30am, 6pm

Click here for all service times

View the readings for today’s Mass at the Universalis website.

If you can’t get to Mass then we encourage you to watch live Mass from the neighbouring parish of St. Peter’s, Bearsted.

Mass Intentions

If you wish to make a request for a Mass Intention then please take a brown envelope from the church porch, fill in all the details and return to the parish office.

Parish Lottery Result

Want to be part of the Parish Lottery and be in with the chance of winning £1000?

Click the button below to find out more…

Week:13  Number:283  Amount: £250
Week:14  Number:159  Amount: £15

Gift Aid Scheme

The Parish is very grateful to all parishioners who are members of the Parish Gift Aid scheme as it really makes a difference. For tax year 2022-2023 a claim in excess of £16000 will be made to the Government reclaiming the tax paid on the Gift Aided contributions.

Have you considered ‘Gift Aiding’ your donations?

Giving to the Parish

Did you know that you can make your ‘First Collection’ offering right here on the website? You can donate online via the secure ‘Give a Little’ page. Donations can be ‘One-off’ or you can setup a recurring ‘Monthly’ donation. If you are a U.K. tax payer then please consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your donation – the Parish will be able to claim back from the Government an additional 25% of the value of anything you give. Thank you, we really appreciate your generosity!