Welcome to St Francis' Parish!

Welcome to our Website
New to the Parish?

If you are new to the Parish please complete the online Parishioner Registration form by clicking the button below.

Not a Catholic?

Like to find out more about what it means to be a Catholic? We offer an informal programme which tells you about the Church and may help you to decide if becoming a Catholic is for you.

Gift Aid Scheme

The Parish is very grateful to all parishioners who are members of the Parish Gift Aid scheme as it really makes a difference. For tax year 2022-2023 a claim in excess of £16000 will be made to the Government reclaiming the tax paid on the Gift Aided contributions.

Have you considered ‘Gift Aiding’ your donations?

Latest News

jubilee year of hope

Jubilee 2025

Every 25 years the Universal Church observes a jubilee year.  Many of you will remember the year 2000 as being our last jubilee year, which of course means 2025 will be our next one.  It’s an opportunity for the Church throughout the world to work together in faith and call upon God’s grace to come upon us.  Pope Francis has nominated the year 2025 as a Year of Hope.  So, our prayer and worship is to ask for the great gift of Hope. 

In his annual Christmas message, Archbishop John Wilson said in a divided world, filled with conflict, it can be tempting to lose hope. But in times of darkness, division and pain “we must turn to our one, great living hope – the Lord Jesus. In Him, and in His message of Good News, we see the possibility of a different and better world”.

He has invited parishes to encourage more Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during the year, so Friday morning Adoration will begin at 9.15am and last the full hour.  Also, the first Friday of every month we shall have Adoration from 6.30pm – 7.15pm followed by Mass at 7.30pm.  Our parish church will be open every day 8am – 6pm.

May our lives be open to God’s grace this coming year and become people of real hope.

Click here for more information on the Jubilee Year…

Mass Times

10am & 6pm (Vigil Mass)
8.30am, 10am, 11.45am, 6pm

Click here for all service times

View the readings for today’s Mass at the Universalis website.

If you can’t get to Mass then we encourage you to watch live Mass from the neighbouring parish of St. Peter’s, Bearsted.

Mass Intentions

If you wish to make a request for a Mass Intention then please take a brown envelope from the church porch, fill in all the details and return to the parish office.

Parish Lottery Result

Want to be part of the Parish Lottery and be in with the chance of winning £1000?

Click the button below to find out more…

Week: 7  Number: 101  Amount: £25

Giving to the Parish

Did you know that you can make your ‘First Collection’ offering right here on the website? You can donate online via the secure ‘Give a Little’ page. Donations can be ‘One-off’ or you can setup a recurring ‘Monthly’ donation. If you are a U.K. tax payer then please consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your donation – the Parish will be able to claim back from the Government an additional 25% of the value of anything you give. Thank you, we really appreciate your generosity!