Safeguarding in our parish

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Keeping all children and vulnerable adults safe is a priority for our parish!

Anybody who ministers to these people in any way in our Parish life should have been through a DBS checking process  (Disclosure and Barring Service).  These checks are now due for renewal.  The following are some of the groups who need to have an updated check:

Children’s Liturgists, First Holy Communion and Confirmation Catechists, Leaders of Choirs or Music groups which include children, Sacristans, Adult Altar Servers /Coordinators, Mass Coordinators, Pastoral Assistants, Eucharistic Ministers, Parish visitors of the sick /elderly, Parish Transport to Mass volunteers, Parish Outreach to vulnerable adults (e.g. homeless), Bereavement Counsellors, St Vincent de Paul members.

Packs will be made available from the Parish Office soon for people to come and collect and complete.

If you have any concerns about a child or adult at risk, or if you have any further queries, please contact Mary Ryan, Parish Safeguarding Representative – 07495 624384

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