Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

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This Tuesday 2nd February shall be 40 days after celebrating the Birth of Christ. We celebrate this day as The Presentation of the Lord, in which Joseph and Mary followed the custom of the Jewish people and went to the temple of Jerusalem to consecrate their first born son to God. At their arrival, a devout man by the name of Simeon recognised Jesus instantly as the Salvation of the people. Soon after, a prophetess by the name of Anna saw the child and also proclaimed him as the one the people of Israel were waiting for. We also call this day Candlemas, in which we turn our attention to Jesus being ‘The Light of the World, as acclaimed by Simeon in his Song, ‘Nunc Dimittis’. At the beginning of the 10.30am Mass on Tuesday we shall begin with a blessing and lighting of candles for everyone. There should be a procession but that may be too risky.

There is a prayer said every night in the life of the Church singing the words of praise of Simeon. We invite you to pray this on Tuesday before you go to bed.

‘At last all-powerful Master; you give leave to your servant to go in peace according to your promise. For my eyes have seen you salvation; which you have prepared for all nations. The light to enlighten the gentiles and give glory to your people Israel.’

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